With a campus in the capital of fashion, the city of Milan, NABA offers the ideal programs for all fashion and design enthusiasts. The university offers partnership with over 1000 different companies in this field, introducing here the most popular fashion and car brands as well as the most prestigious design companies. NABA offers programs in English as well as in Italian and will equip you with a diploma that is recognized all over the world.
The university is accredited by the state as well as qualified by many different awards such as Frame Publishers, etc.
Some reasons why you should choose to study at NABA:
The different study programs are divided into:
You can also follow one of the Short Courses that NABA offers in the field of fashion and design to test yourself more.
Also, every year a competition is held based on the portfolio where the winner is offered up to a 40% scholarship from the university fee.
E kam gjetur veten shume mire tek NABA. Menyra e mesimdhenies eshte e shkelqyer dhe kam arritur rezultate shume me te larta sec i prisja fale pedagogeve shume te afte qe jane gjithnje te gjendshem te na ndihmojne. Per momentin po merrem me aplikimet per internship dhe kam derguar CV ne mbi 10 opsione qe me pershtaten dhe qe NABA ka partneritet. Cfare me pelqen me shume eshte kampusi i universitetit pasi eshte shume qetesues, aspak i zhurmshem dhe gjej inspirim shume kollaj per idete e mia. Ja sygjeroj te gjithe studenteve qe kane pasion dizajnin ose moden. - ENEIDA