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University of Brighton

University of Brighton

About This Institution

University of Brighton

The University of Brighton excels in its reputation for teaching learning, student learning and teaching-oriented teaching. Work-related learning and work allow them to apply knowledge in methods and participate first-hand in real-world scenarios.
Brighton is in the top 10 student cities in the UK and in the top 100 worldwide, according to the QS rankings.

Why Brighton?

  • 92.6% employment rate of graduate students.
  • Leading university in Art, Fashion and Architecture.
  • Contact me over 1,800 commercial and international businesses.
  • Students and staff from over 150 different countries.

Some of the programs you can study at Brighton University:

  1. Architecture 
  2. Chemistry 
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Education 
  5. Fashion and Textiles 
  6. Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism 
  7. Marketing 
  8. Medicine
  9. Pharmacy and Pharmacology 
  10. Physiotherapy 
  11. Sports Science

Do jua rekomandoja University of Brighton te gjithe studenteve internacionale, eshte nje perfekt per te studiuar Art dhe Dizajn. Ketu ka disa njerez vertet kreative dhe te gjithe duan realisht te te ndihmojne. - Felix nga Kina.


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