With a vibrant and inclusive campus, ultra-modern learning environments, academic focus and branches closely linked to the work industry; this is the University of Gloucestershire located in the historic city of Cheltenham.
✔ The University is part of the UK Top 5 for supporting international students;
✔ There is a percentage of "student satisfaction" of 94%;
✔ The University of Gloucestershire has over 80 clubs and student associations that you can be a part of;
✔ Offers over 3,000 jobs and internships per year;
There you will be able to study in fields such as:
Dega per te cilen studioj eshte e dizenjuar mjaft mire dhe ploteson te gjithe interesat e mia per fushen qe kam zgjedhur. Gjithashtu stafi pedagogjik eshte gjithmone i gatshem per te me ndihmuar apo per te dhene sygjerime.- Barbara nga Brazili.