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University of Sunderland

University of Sunderland

About This Institution

University of Sunderland

The University of Sunderland is known as a very friendly university. They welcome students from all over the globe and have a large number of activities to help students make new friends and socialize.

Choosing a university is not always easy, but here are just a few reasons why you should choose the University of Sunderland:

  • The UK's most accessible university for international students
  • Top 20 in the UK for 7 subjects including Mechanical Engineering, Tourism and Media
  • Top 10 UK Student Accommodation
  • 94% of graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduation
  • Quite low and very affordable costs, such as school fees and living costs

At the University of Sunderland you will have the opportunity to study Bachelor and Master programs in different branches such as:

  1. Business, Economics, Finance and Management
  2. Law, Humanities and Social Sciences
  3. Computer Science and Engineering
  4. Medical Sciences

Rekomandoj shume që të studioni në Universitetin e Sunderlandit, jo vetëm sepse ju pajis me aftësitë e duhura për të mbijetuar në tregun konkurrues te punes, por gjithashtu ju jep baza te forta per te qene nje individ i pavarur dhe i suksseshem.  - Flutura, studente nga StudyCare.


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